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Get Your Vehicle Winter Ready

05 May 2023

Get Your Vehicle Winter Ready

Winter is well and truly on it's way and it's important to pay close attention to your vehicle's maintenance. Whether you're planning a trip to the mountains or just your normal commute each day, it is important to make sure your vehicle is well maintained and ready for any conditions.


Having impaired vision can significantly increase the risk of getting into a car accident. In some lighting conditions, a combination of cold and wet weather can cause the windscreen to fog up. To avoid this, it is essential to clean all interior glass and the windscreen using an automotive grade glass cleaner. 

Another useful thing to know is that if your wiper blades are leaving streaks on your windscreen, it is a sign that they need replacing as soon as possible. Additionally, adding detergent to your windscreen washer fluid can also help reduce fogging, but leave some space to top it up with warm water if it freezes overnight. 

General Maintenance 

Experiencing a breakdown on a cold winter night is an unpleasant situation to be in. To avoid this, it's recommended to get a pre-winter vehicle service. During winter, your vehicles engine is exposed to much colder temperatures which can cause increased wear. It's important to ensure that the radiator anti-freeze concentration is correct, as fluids can freeze in sub-zero temperatures. 

To prevent your tyres from losing traction on the road, ensure that your tread depth is at least 1.5mm and that all your tyres have the correct and equal pressure. 


In Winter, your vehicles battery may be strained and fail earlier than expected. To avoid any uncertainties, it's recommended to have your battery tested and replaced if needed. Additionally, it's wise to carry a set of protected jumper cables in case of a breakdown, which could help you or others in an unfortunate situation. 

Headlights and Tail Lights

During Winter, the days are shorter which means more darkness, making it vital to inspect your vehicles lights regularly and ensure they are clean and working properly. Having functional lights not only improves your visibility while driving, but it also helps others notice your presence on the road. 

Winter Emergency Kit 

To prepare for emergencies or breakdowns, it's important to keep a supply kit in the boot of your vehicle. This kit should include a blanket, spare clothing, a torch with batteries, a first aid kit, a high-vis jacket, and some water. 

Are you worried your vehicle might not make it through Winter and need to upgrade? 

If you need finance, put yourself in the drivers seat with pre-approval from Stadium Finance. We'll let you know exactly how much you can spend before you decide what vehicle to purchase! 

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